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Session Clerk:  Gus McKay: Telephone No: 07889 672374

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Travel Directions

From Glasgow (around 25 miles) Head onto the M8 towards Greenock, exiting at Junction 28a (after the Glasgow airport turnoff) onto the A737 dual-carriageway. Keep moving straight ahead towards Irvine, where you will move onto the A737, heading straight towards the Manrahead Roundabout at Beith. Take your first exit which will take you towards Dalry. When you enter the town, continue straight ahead to a set of traffic lights. At these lights, you must turn left into the One Way System – then continue taking right turns ( 3 )  which will lead you onto the Cross. Trinity Church is on the left-hand-side opposite St Margaret’s Church. If you take the immediate left into Courthill Street, there is car parking on the left side.

From Irvine travel towards Kilwinning. Continue through Kilwinning on the A738. At the junction with the A737 turn right towards Dalry. On reaching Dalry continue straight ahead to the set of traffic lights. At these lights, move left into the One Way System at Roche Way. Take first  right and continue to the “T”  junction where a right turn will lead to the Cross. Then an immediate first left turn will take you to into Courthill Street with car parking on the left.